About Us

to learn, training, books-4226965.jpg



Behind BLOOM are 

  • the academics who did the research, 
  • the clinicians who translated their findings into applications,
  • writers who reframed the knowledge into narratives 
  • and the educators who developed a platform for ability acquisition, 

ultimately heading towards progression into a meta-theoretical science of being human.

Supporting the BLOOM rationale

Towards an integrated Meta-theory

              An integrated science of discovery of our evolutionary restriction dawns into new thinking about our behaviour as human beings. 

A return of the philosophic grounding and need for accurate defining that holds across the sciences. 

Our survival cannot be the disciple to one scientific belief, it requires the best of man in every field to bring about an evolvement substantial enough to clear the murky waters we find ourselves in.


Engaging in the movement

Towards genuine dialogue

              We have all we require. Now we must acquire a taste for it and embrace the complexity of the interwoven dark threads and the occasional strands of silver and the glisten of the smallest thread of gold. 

As the poem* preaches, it is the dark that sustains us in the bright light of day, as there hope and joy are conceived. 

Actualisation and actuation only enlighten when we are courageous enough to be dim lit dwellers in pursuit of it.


Born and raised in the  The Hague around the corner from where once Spinoza believed living should be good.

the Journey

From then to now

The eldest daughter to self-employed parents during the early eighties.

Attending the Lugduno-Batava, aka Leiden Uni, embracing its motto, which had not seemed so evident to me and those in my direct surroundings, to accomplish iuris prudentia in Dutch state law and political philosophy, so as to put the world to right. 

For which, soon after arriving at London Airport in 1999, I realised was rather little demand in dear Old Blighty. 

So I had to find another way to apply myself. 

Two decades later this is what became of just that. 

the Markers

Where I hail from and how it shaped me

I was born in the judicial capital of the world, a small coastal city in the Southern Province of Holland. 

Around the corner from where I was born in 1976 and lived until 1998 Spinoza wrote, rebelled and died, in what were the last days of the Dutch Golden Age. 

From my seat on the back of my mum’s peddle bike I saw the legalising of prostitution and the opening of the methadone clinic. 

The infamous condoning attitude, deeply rooted in cultural Dutch Calvinism, time and again played out in my sandbox.

To those who read the words for what they mean, or live life along side its application, the demise of what was once the envy of the world, was always self-evident. 


BLOOM is my notebook of inquiries I have made in the past 30 years, and it is my commitment to do my bit to map that what is with me, onto what is as yet for me still to be found out. Currently engaged in a post grad course in medical neuro- science and hoping to gain entry into psycho-analysis in 2022. The dream is to be able to keep up with the relatively new field of neuro-psycho-analysis, and to consider it all through my philosophers spectacles whilst seated in my armchair.


Leonora Graham-LaGraauw


cognition researcher

existential counselor

closet neuro-biologist

wanna-be psycho-analysist

website builder

* ‘The weaver’  Grant  Colfax Tullar  

My life is but a weaving. Between my God and me. I cannot choose the colours. He weaveth steadily. Oft’ times He weaveth sorrow; And I in foolish pride. Forget He sees the upper. And I the underside. Not ’til the loom is silent. And the shuttles cease to fly. Will God unroll the canvas. And reveal the reason why. The dark threads are as needful. In the weaver’s skilful hand. As the threads of gold and silver. In the pattern He has planned. He knows, He loves, He cares; Nothing this truth can dim. He gives the very best to those Who leave the choice to Him.