“Living is an interaction, a kind of knowing.” G.Gendlin PhD (philosophy of the implicit)


A Dialogical Approach

weaving life’s tapestry

INTERVENTIONS, INTENSIVES and PRACTICES contain FREE notebooks, displayed on an easy to work through Learn Dash LMS, that give a structured overview of  a small selection of the more mainstream  theories and principles regarding narrative therapy. find out more in  EXPLORATION

  • Acquire foundational knowledge efficiently.
  • Internalise a multitude of  theories & applications.
  • Combine and personalise multiple practices.
  • Create effective targeted timely strategies. 

Research TOPICS contains FREE notebooks that give an overview of the source of commonly experienced  disabilities and discomforts and an up to date overview on theories relating to them.

FREE quality lectures, audiobooks, interviews, pdf’s, teacher notes and extended training collated IN ONE PLACE.

The word conversation is derived from the verb vetere (to turn) and con (with).

 “Walking back and forth with someone, turning and going over the same ground from a variety of directions until what we already feel and think has opened up more into something unexpected, new or forwards.”

It is practically impossible to explain how conversation is generated or what its precise effect is, yet the immediate reaction and the subsequent discussion make it clear that these bits of spontaneous communication ARE the catalyst in important shifts in perspective and advance those that are in the conversation. 

No amount of pre-planning could assure the appropriateness for that particular conversation in time; spontaneous remarks that focus on how you would be best helped today are not learned and dispensed ad verbatim on demand from manuals. 


Meet you

My credentials


Why would you like to have a conversation?



How can I be of assistance in the conversation?


What would you like to get out of the conversation?

PRACTICE | projects 100%

What do you do? 

Do you enjoy living like that? 

Would you change anything?

What are you NOT doing?

What has and what has not worked for you? 

What does success look like? 

Is there a time scale? 

Have you done this before? 

Can you identify a goal for yourself that you want to work towards? 

What do you need? 

What do you require to achieve your goal?

When do you propose to start? 

Do you have what you need to start? 

How much time can you realistically commit to this?

Do you need to prioritises ? 


How would you like to be supported? 

How regular and/or flexible does this support need to be?


Do you know how to access support if you meet resistance?

Do you have a way of sharing and observing your progress?



the backbone of current NARRATIVE therapies, clinical  frameworks and theoretical principles regarding conscious thought and behaviours.


When your body reacts and behaves based on what it expects or experiences.

Language is living and growing. With every re-telling the message is adapted to suit. 

There is however good reason to honour the etymology of a theory. For the original words are crafted in a composition reflecting the meaning of its academic or clinical composers research and often lifework. 

This website aims to give an authentic walk-through account of the theories that have found their way into mainstream care and with that commercial re-purposing. 

Ideology and consumerism more than occasionally have somewhat rewritten the proverbial Proverbs beyond proverbial phrasing

A re-telling evolution applied by those who sell their services. Obscuring their source. Guiding down paths somewhat parallel.

Knowledge is build on the shoulders of those who came before, not by stepping on them and re-branding theirs as your own.

Engaging in re-thinking daily reality and attempting to interact with it through conversation and consideration, to come to a personal theory, is what I  believe to be of value to move life on beyond self-knowledge and exploration and come to change.

Only a fraction of research papers find their way into the NHS system. Dogmatic ideologies hold limited benefit. Life is chaotic and people are complex which is why I propose personalised meta-theories and interdisciplinary constructs .


from overwhelm
to self-regulation

open a notebook

start a dialogue*

*UK residents only

A conversation, 

  • at the point of need
  • focused on one step forward right now
  • with an option for more meetings if you want that

“The relationship between commitment and doubt is by no means an antagonistic one. Commitment is healthiest when it is not without doubt, but in spite of doubt. ”  

Rollo May

“When scientific conversations cease dogma rather than knowledge begins to rule.” 

Jaak Panksepp

“The man of knowledge must not only love his enemies, he must also be able to hate his friends.” 



Overview of theories that look at pre- and subconscious and affect and its interaction with the conscious, cognitive and behavioural. Aiming to increase the depth of your knowledge rather than to increase the scope.


The belief that something or someone is required in order to achieve or avoid an affect, event or ability.

If you feel that content on this site or its direct links has uncovered things you are overwhelmed by or struggling with please click here to get in touch with myself.

 Alternatively contact your GP or reach out to the charities as shown on this site so we can provide you with the free acute support you deserve and may benefit from.

Let us support you in creating a safe mental environment with you for you to return to when you feel things are beyond your tolerance, remain in whilst you are working through past or current  and how to leave things at a safe distance during the times you a not supported. 

For change to be effective, it will have to be your change, not the acceptance of an image imposed on you. 

Shaping YOUR future

you are  so much more  

A category-mistake is made if we accept the notion that support is a technique or procedure. Therapeutic dialogue is a dedicated form of interaction.


neutralising the 'expert' position in narrative therapy


A dutiful application nor me knowing your whole story does not concern itself with directly addressing your problem today. 

Avoiding fixed positions and ideological traditions that stop the therapeutic conversation happening, is what I care to safeguard. Not description but elucidation is the ultimate goal of communication. Rendering prescribing or imposing  redundant.

Individual support can’t be scripted in advance. It is at its most effective during moments of improvisation that arise out of authentic (non-verbal) conversational flow between you and  another (me or someone else). This is called drifting in some ‘manuals’.

Every interaction is unique. Involving unexpected twists and turns. Effective support does therefor not exclusively come from treatment manuals and empirically validated methods. The paring between yourself and another requires a certain creative ambiguity that can’t be reduced to exercises, bottled or anchored in a contract that defines roles and sets boundaries. 

Every empirically supported approach has shown roughly the same  level of result when applied by disciples who turn clients to models (1999 Miller). It turns out that receiving an instruction manual at the point of need is not less effective then being ‘treated’. 


It is a well researched fact that people benefit most from help at the point of need. Furthermore, 70% of people who were satisfied with their therapeutic session did not book any more sessions, the single session had moved them forward sufficiently. 

Manualised treatment protocols can create a false objective and the impression that a pre-proposed desired result can only be reliably produced when the manualised procedures are implemented. This is referred to as fidelity and turning a client to a model. It’s focus is not you, but instead increasing or securing the evidence base for the manual.

I myself hold the pluralistic view proposed by McLeod and Cooper. Humans are complex and inherently chaotic. Life is too, so let’s apply all that what works and never more of what does not. 

  • NAADAAC  , HIPPA,  ICO compliant   & registered (ethical &   law abiding).
  • Insured   and UK NOS cert. qualified for working online and face to face with UK   residents  in cognition based and existential therapeutic   modalities.
  • Holding  current relevant British and International  intermediate and advanced professional memberships.
  •  Compliant with ongoing CP requirements and actively enrolled  in  academic  courses to ensure  compliance with CE targets.  
  • Subject  to external supervision to ensure ethical,  professional, educational and self care standards  are met and  reviewed.



My credentials